Dollars Blooms is getting on my nerve. Every time i make a withdrawal request they return same to my account after taking out the 20% to the repurchase account. i thought the issue was sorted out the last time when they agreed to pay in to STP account. It's like am back to more support tickets.
Rican and Ism still on course and running smoothly. Bought more positions and made a cash out request. i expect nothing less than the usual prompt response.
X-golding paid me today within the hour after putting in my request.
GBC: got my 1st payment today. Thanks to Gord the admin. Will buy more positions next week.
Still waiting for my cash out request to be processed to STP from W4AT. In this program you withdraw to i-payout wallet and from there to STP. There estimated time is 10 days.
Cash out from Sol-R yesterday and was paid instantly.
As for Profit Clicking don't let talk about that one. Don't really know what to say.
That's how they stand. I am always hopeful for better news each coming week.
a beautiful week end to you all
Friday's Joke
A small town prosecuting attorney called his first witness to the stand in a trial. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?"
She responded, "Why, yes, I do know you Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy. And frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a rising big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you."
The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Williams, do you know the defense attorney?"
She again replied, "Why, yes I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. I used to babysit him for his parents. And he, too, has been a real disappointment to me. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. The man can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the shoddiest in the entire state. Yes, I know him."
At this point, the judge rapped the courtroom to silence and called both counselors to the bench. In a very quiet voice, he said with menace, "If either of you asks her if she knows me, you'll be jailed for contempt!"
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