Ismadsincome is back but I can’t log in. Keep getting the message: invalid id/password. Other members are having the same challenge.
This is from their news site for yesterday:
Mass Pay Bug & Cancelled Withdrawals
written by Russell ISMmagic, February 27, 2013
Richard had to cancel all pending withdrawals (post masspay processing) for STP, EP and PM and some for LRdue to the bug this morning in mass pay. Some withdrawals were resubmitted giving the accounts a negative balance and so by cancelling all of the above this has been rectified.
Maybe it has something to do with why we can’t log in.
Thanks to
Blondie who took part in the conference call by Clickpaid Admins for these notes:
“Great Call with Frederick Mann and Jackie Valentine
Here is what I have transcribed from the 2/26/13 call :
> Clickpaid is an advertising program and a downline builder
> System is done the easiest and effective way possible, designed to become streamlined as possible
> The money-making principles and method from JBP used also, only improved!
> Buy Clickpacks worth $10 each that will pay you up to 2% daily; More clickpacks, more earnings
> Clickstorm - a sharing system, automated sponsoring that will help you build downlines
> Instantpay/Speedpay - get paid within 60 seconds into your back office
> Processors: STP, LR, PM, EgoPay, Payza will follow soon and many others
> Withdrawals to pay processors will be within 36-48 hours
Purpose of placement/ranking in the PreLaunch phase:
> Top 1000 people gets to participate during the launch of the program and be able to buy clickpacks and panels and start earning and be able to withdraw as well
Some of the Q and A
Q: What sets apart Clickpaid from JBP
A: Quick payment, instant gratification (into your back office after viewing ads/commissions)
Viral Marketing System - automated promotion of referral URL; easier to build downlines
Q: Will there be a possibility to fund and be able to pay our Clickpaid using a GC from another company?
A: No, GC from another company will NOT be redeemable in Clickpaid
Q Will there be a monthly subscripton?
A:No subscription at the moment but there may be an ability to upgrade soon
Q: You sold JustBeenPaid and left us; Will you be doing that to Clickpaid too?
A: There are no intentions in doing so. I don't expect it to happen; JBP has certain problems that made it necessary to drastically change it. Those factors are not issues in Clickpaid so there wont be a need for it to change its business model
Q: Is snoopydoggy dog is gonna help us, is Manny gonna be with us, if this girl in New Zealand is gonna be with us?
A: I won't say specifically who will be with Clicpaid but there will be a Live Chat and we will have a very efficient support system. We have a support team in place and they are really well trained.
Q: What is the advantage of ranked first 1000?
A: It mainly has a use to be able to use the panel system early
Q: Will a free member be able to earn without actually putting in money himself
A: Yes.
Q: Will there be a bucket or queue withdrawal limits?
A: The only limit is if there are two many withdrawals to a particular processor. In general there wont be any problems making withdrawal.
Q: I have people in my group that have substantial amount in their wallets. Is there a way to move across the funds to Clickpaid?
A: No, clickpaid is entirely a separate program
Q: Is it fair to say that whatever is our situation at the moment moving from JBP and PC will have to be resolved out of that and there will not be any kind of assistance there or advantage of being involved with clickpaid to help our situation with PC?
A: This call is just about Clickpaid and not about another program”
The End
Enjoy your day
Quote of the Day
Wisdom begins in wonder.